Preparing to Take The Next Steps

Preparing to Take The Next Steps

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Preparing to Take The Next Steps
The transition from Year 11 to education at Post 16 level is a big step and students need to ensure that they are well prepared for any interviews to access the next important stage of their education, whether that is in the outstanding Bushey Meads Sixth Form or elsewhere.
On our recent enrichment day, Year 11s heard from our Work Related Learning Coordinator and invited visitors from outside of BMS about preparing for interviews and the importance of having a well prepared CV.
Following the presentation in the Main Hall, students then spent some time completing a draft CV, thinking carefully about that all important personal statement that can catch the eye of any prospective future employer or Sixth Form school leader.
The CVs will need to be honed and perfected over the next few weeks but the enrichment day session got the process off to a good start.
We wish all our Year 11 students all the very best as they enter into this important phase in their lives.

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