Fabulous Friday Reading
It was great to be able to join a few different CDC Groups last Friday morning and see all the students engaged so well with our Friday Reading programme, aimed at developing and...
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It was great to be able to join a few different CDC Groups last Friday morning and see all the students engaged so well with our Friday Reading programme, aimed at developing and...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
On Thursday we embarked on our first Drop Everything and Read (D.E.A.R) event of the academic year. “Drop Everything and Read, is a “national celebration of reading...
Posted by Claire Till
On Thursday 23rd September we had our first of six calendared D.E.A.R events this year. As many of you will know, this is an established part of our celebration and promotion of...
Posted by Danielle Bowe
Following on from another successful DEAR Event (Drop Everything And Read) on 26 January 2021, the Humanities and Social Sciences departments shared the following feedback:...
Posted by Sandra Kinghorn
This week saw our second non-fiction D.E.A.R event. On Tuesday students and staff dropped everything to read for 25 minutes. With the school bell being rung it acted as a reminder...
Posted by Claire Till
Our first fiction D.E.A.R event took place Monday 7th December with both students and staff engaging in 20 minutes of reading. This designated reading session reminds us all of...
Posted by Claire Till
This week we held our first non-fiction D.E.A.R event. Non-fiction texts being seen as those about existing things and as informative. Described in a TED talk as ‘healing...
Posted by Claire Till
Ensuring our high profile focus on the importance of inculcating excellence habits of reading in all our students continued this week with our first DEAR (Drop Everything and...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
On Wednesday, Bushey Meads had another one of our regular DropEverythingAndRead events. This is where at an agreed time everyone drops what they are doing and picks up their books...
Posted by Danielle Bowe
Last week saw (and heard!) the first DEAR event of this academic year. Firmly established as an important part of practice here at Bushey Meads, DEAR events (Drop Everything And...
Posted by Danielle Bowe
We are part of the Humanities Student Leaders group. Last week, we did a presentation to a Year 8 geography class on Coasts as that is what they are learning...
Mr Dowty’s Year 9 CDC group are participating in guided reading sessions in CDC time on Friday mornings as part of our continued focus on improving literacy and reading at...