YEAR 11 CV and Personal Branding

YEAR 11 CV and Personal Branding

Donna King
Donna King
YEAR 11 CV and Personal Branding

The day started with a presentation from Sadiqa Khan our Services for young people advisor.

Sadiqa discussed the purpose of a CV,  how to create one and what personal branding is. Sadiqa also highlighted why we need to be aware of what we put on the internet as this could be seen by potential employers. 














A presentation was also given by Chris Dacosta from West Herts College about the transition from year 11 and the different pathways available to everyone; 6th Form, College or Apprenticeships.

We looked at the different entry requirements for courses and the importance of attending open evenings to find out more information.











Year 11 were also introduced to a number of helpful websites where they

could look at the support that is available to them.

All students are offered the opportunity to meet with either Chris or Sadiqa to discuss any concerns or questions they may have over the coming months.

The students were then given time to start work on producing a CV and Personal Statement which reflected their personal skills and attributes.

Bushey Meads ‘Into the 6th form’ Open Evening is on Tuesday 7th November 2023

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