Wellbeing Workshop

Wellbeing Workshop

Anna Hogg
Anna Hogg
Wellbeing Workshop

Last week our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors experienced a wonderful workshop delivered by MindHerts. The workshop focused on ‘Emotional Wellbeing and Coping Strategies’.

As part of their role as Anti-bullying Ambassadors we wanted to provide them with some additional knowledge of emotional wellbeing as well as some tools to help them deal with certain emotional or mental health challenges. They really got involved with the session and it was lovely to see them taking a real interest in this experience in a very mature and respectful way.

Carol, who delivered the session, wrote back to us and said “the students were very engaged, I really enjoyed delivering the session”. We hope to have Carol back to deliver more workshops and give all of our students the opportunity to experience these enriching life lessons.

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