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Posted by admin
Alex Barton (Catering Manager) and the Team at Bushey Meads School received the award of Top Performing Site, in recognition of their commitment and hard work that the team have...
Posted by admin
The catering staff at BMS always make the restaurant, the Pod and the Sixth Form Cafe as nice as possible for the students and staff who use them by decorating the areas depending...
Posted by Graeme Searle
Caterlink (our catering contractors) continue to respond to student voice as they seek to provide the best possible food reflecting the highest quality and also value for money....
Posted by Jeremy Turner
Caterlink, the catering provider for Bushey Meads School is laying no special theme days over the next term on top of some of their special promotions. The planned theme days are:...
Posted by Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
As part of the improved catering provision across the school site, our ‘Pod in the Quad’ enables students to avoid the slightly longer queues in the Main Restaurant if a quick...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
I would like to thank the key school leaders who have been working hard with our Catering Company Caterlink to raise the standards of food provision at Bushey Meads School...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
Sometimes it is just the small ‘tweaks to transform’ that set apart an organisation aiming for excellence. One area we have been working hard to improve is our...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
The catering staff at BMS always make the restaurant, the Pod and the Sixth Form Cafe as nice as possible for the students and staff who use them by decorating the areas depending...
The Year 8 students have been studying Indian traditional dance styles made famous through the Bollywood film, music and dance industry. It was amazing to have Luxman volunteer to...