Outstanding Teaching and Learning Team
There are many aspects of Bushey Meads School that make us all immensely proud, but two things really stand out. The first aspect is the hugely collaborative and positive culture...
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There are many aspects of Bushey Meads School that make us all immensely proud, but two things really stand out. The first aspect is the hugely collaborative and positive culture of sharing best practice; all staff want to support their colleagues to be as effective as they can be in the classroom, but also maintain as good a work life balance as possible. The second is our superb BMS Teaching and Learning Team who continue to lead the way with all aspects of pedagogy.
On Monday morning in our Monday Magic Moment Senior Lead Practitioner Mrs Hoskins (who oversees the Teaching and Learning Team) outlined all the exciting plans that form our cohesive continuing professional development programme for 2023.24. We look forward to working together to further strengthen and develop all our teachers and learning assistants this year for the benefit of all the hard working students in our care.
It should be another exciting year.
It was a fitting end to our autumn term marking and feedback fortnight to hear from Advanced Lead Teacher Mr Symeou and be informed about some of the tried and tested strategies...
Deputy Head of Maths Miss Timmins led our Friday Faculty Foci at the end of last week and shared some excellent practice related to revision-based lesson starters and embedded...