Good Attitude = Good Results

Good Attitude = Good Results

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Good Attitude = Good Results

With our continued focus on enabling all students to Aspire to Achieve and reach their true potential, it was excellent to hear Assistant Headteacher Mr Varsani speaking at the weekly Key Stage Briefing for all Character Development Coaches on Wednesday morning about the school’s latest initiative to raise achievement with our High Prior Attaining (HPA) students. Our HPAs are those students who gained top marks in their various Key Stage 2 tests at the end of Year 6 and should make the most progress through secondary school. All of them should be:

  • Demonstrating a high Attitude to Learning (nothing less than 5) in every lesson
  • Completing their home learning to a high standard
  • Completing the extra learning via SAMLearning, Mathswatch, MyMaths and any of the other online platforms the school provides
  • Reading regularly
  • Keeping up to date with current affairs
  • Doing the ‘Up for the Challenge’ activities in lessons
  • Going the extra mile in their learning

For those HPAs who are perhaps in need of some encouragement to do this, a special report card is being issued and discussed with the CDCs on a weekly basis. There are three simple targets to meet in every lesson related to: Having a High AtL, Making Positive Contributions and Attempting the Stretch and Challenge Activities.

As parents and carers do encourage your children to be scoring top marks in these report cards over the next two weeks – starting from Monday 23rd November.


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