Mental Health Awareness Week

Mental Health Awareness Week

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Mental Health Awareness Week
With 1 in 4 students suffering some form of anxiety, worry and symptoms of mental health in any one year, coupled with the huge rise in the potentially damaging use of social media (particularly with the negative effect it has on body image and demonstrated by the fact that nearly 70% of users edit their photos before they post them online) we were really pleased to be able to launch our Mental Health Awareness Week on Monday in Staff Briefing.
Psychology teacher Miss Kwok shared some important statistics with all staff and encouraged all CDCs to start those all important conversations and discussions across the school – reminding students and staff that it’s good to talk and share. Assemblies this week will have an important message related to the Theme of the Week and CDC activities will support the drive to raise awareness and remind students that we are all here to help.
We want to be a learning community that supports all individuals to be successful and happy in all areas of their lives. We want to smile, have fun, support one another, eat, exercise and rest well, limit our screen time and really celebrate each other’s achievements – always having a ‘mind to be kind’ in all that we do.
As parents and carers do ask your children what they have learned this week and do continue to support and encourage them to make the most of these themed weeks that we have in school. 
Mental Health Awareness Week Assemblies

Main School Assemblies were led by our superb psychology teachers Miss Kwok and Miss Lindau and launched our Mental Health Awareness Week to all students. We were all reminded of the key statistics related to mental health and strongly encouraged to continue to make every effort to be a community at BMS that looks out for one another and supports each other through good and more difficult times – always having a ‘mind to be kind.’

It was great way to reinforce our culture and values and gave a very strong message to any students suffering with anxiety to not suffer alone – we are all there for you.
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