Assessment for Learning at Bushey Meads School

Joe Beswick
Joe Beswick
Assessment for Learning at Bushey Meads...

At Bushey Meads School, we are committed to ensuring that assessment plays a central role in supporting our students’ academic growth and personal development. We firmly believe in the philosophy of Assessment for Learning (AfL), which emphasizes the importance of continuous feedback and reflection to help students achieve their full potential.

AfL is an approach that goes beyond simply measuring what students know. Instead, it focuses on using assessment as a tool to actively guide learning. Teachers at Bushey Meads regularly use a variety of formative assessment methods, such as quizzes, peer reviews, self-assessment, and interactive class discussions, to monitor progress and identify areas where students may need additional support.

Our approach is grounded in a commitment to create a supportive learning environment, where mistakes are seen as an opportunity for growth, and students are encouraged to take ownership of their learning journey. Regular, constructive feedback allows students to reflect on their strengths and areas for improvement, and sets clear targets for future success.

By integrating AfL into daily teaching practices, we ensure that all students, regardless of their starting point, have the tools and support they need to succeed and thrive at Bushey Meads. Together, we foster a culture of continuous improvement and academic excellence.



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