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Summer Exams 2023 Contingency Dates

Summer Exams 2023 Contingency Dates

Mo Abusef
Mo Abusef
Summer Exams 2023 Contingency Dates
Dear Parent/Carer,
Re: Summer Exams 2023 Contingency Dates
The awarding bodies have collectively agreed a contingency day for several years now which is always scheduled at the end of the GCSE, AS and A-level exam timetables.
I am writing to explain more fully what this means for students preparing for GCSEs, AS and A levels this year.

The contingency day is in the event of national or significant local disruption to exams in the United Kingdom, being part of the awarding bodies’ standard contingency planning for exams.
Following the Covid-19 pandemic, further resilience was needed within the exam timetables. A single contingency day was not felt to be sufficient if a national event or incident had a significant effect on the exam timetable. For example, summer exams could be affected by extremely high temperatures.
For the June 2023 exams, the awarding bodies have therefore introduced two additional half-day contingency sessions. These are on Thursday 8 June 2023 and Thursday 15 June 2023. The standard contingency day remains at the end of the timetable being scheduled on Wednesday 28 June 2023.
All parents and carers need to be aware of the three days contingency sessions especially when you are making plans for the summer. All students must remain available until Wednesday 28 June 2023 should examinations need to be rescheduled.
Yours sincerely,

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