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Success in Bedrock Vocabulary Learning

Success in Bedrock Vocabulary Learning

Danielle Bowe
Danielle Bowe
Success in Bedrock Vocabulary Learning

As you will know, over the last year and half the English faculty has invested in Bedrock Vocabulary learning for all year 7 and 8 students. We recognise that boosting students’ vocabulary has been highlighted as a major educational priority in recent years. A strong command of vocabulary, especially academic, boosts reading, writing and oral communication skills, as well as exam success. Bedrock Learning is an online learning platform that aims to close language gaps by explicitly teaching vocabulary through a fun and engaging digital programme. It is also entirely personalised as each student completes a pre-test to determine the right vocabulary ‘block’ for their learning.

You may have caught some of our many newsletter items on Bedrock Vocabulary, sharing the fantastic progress our BMS students are making. Naturally, we coincide this programme with other vocabulary learning methods and resources in the classroom. The basic expectation has been that students complete one online lesson a week in school and one as home learning. We have continued that request during this lock-down period and the independent approach that Bedrock Vocabulary relies on is perfect for remote learning in these times.

It was always our intention to be running a parent information evening at school in April, but of course that is no longer possible. Instead, last week, we are extremely grateful that our IT manager, George Furr, contacted all year 7 and 8 parents with details of how they can set up their own linked parent account to support and encourage the progress of children using this programme. Parents can even join in with the vocabulary learning themselves! This access will enable parents to feel more empowered and knowledgeable about their child’s learning.

Year 7 and 8 English teachers continue to be the main person to monitor progress and answer queries, but if any year 7 or 8 parents are having difficulty using their access codes and setting up, please contact

Celebrating the success of students using Bedrock over the last month

The following students are the top users from each participating class – congratulations – R3s for you!

  • Jathursan Suthakaran
  • Tom Harverson
  • Charles Keough
  • Nathael Bujoli-Charriere
  • Djani Colakovic
  • Justin Rubin
  • Migi Simmonds
  • Shahan Sheikh
  • Sasha Hibbert
  • Emily Williams
  • James Allan
  • Hashim Khan
  • Khushi Doshi
  • Taran Summers
  • James Allan
  • Hashim Khan
  • Dillon Diaz
  • Freddie-Ray Hale
  • Sharly Harris.

The following students have made the most progress in their class-congratulations – R3 for you!

  • Archie Peters
  • Nathael Bujoli-Charriere
  • Jathursan Suthakaran
  • Tanzil Chowdhury
  • Tom Harverson
  • Megan Hilton
  • Neo Mitchell
  • Charlie Hughes
  • Sofia Kochetova
  • Emilia Donald
  • Fatima Kazmi
  • Sasha Hibbert
  • Hashim Khan
  • Matthew Kram
  • James Allan
  • Freddie-Ray Hale

Well Done!!

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