Student Leaders Join the Senior Leadership Team Meeting
At Bushey Meads students take a very active role in running the school and help to take decisions that shape our ongoing school improvement journey. Nearly 60 students meet every...
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At Bushey Meads students take a very active role in running the school and help to take decisions that shape our ongoing school improvement journey. Nearly 60 students meet every...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
In a national first, cookery and nutrition year 9 students at Bushey Meads School have been the lucky recipients of wild Alaska pink salmon to use in their classrooms, in a bid to...
Posted by Alison Hanbury
We are really fortunate to have such a great PE and Health Faculty at BMS led by Mr Cartledge who took the main School Assemblies all week in the lead up to our annual Fun Run on...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
Our excellent Head of Faculty for Modern Foreign Languages Mrs Charles delivered a very timely Friday Faculty Foci at the end of last week to all staff in our Staff Briefing...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
In our enrichment day earlier this term, year 10 were given the theme of Holocaust Memorial which coincided with the theme of the week of Commemoration. January 27th marks...
Posted by Aya Speker
On Tuesday 26th March, as part of our FLAIR week, I had the greatest pleasure in taking 25 year 11 students on a trip to Balliol College at Oxford University. The students were...
Posted by Victoria Hargreaves
Posted by Danielle Bowe
On Wednesday 23rd March students enjoyed our third enrichment day of the year. Year 8s went all out for Africa, enjoying a range of activities linked to a beautiful and varied...
Posted by Stephanie Knowles
To kick off science week, two year 12 biologists were tasked with explaining the anatomy of a rat, by conducting a rat dissection at lunch. Several questions were asked by younger...
Posted by William Thornton
In the middle of our annual Flair Week, where we have once again been encouraging all students to show flair in their learning, it was very apt to be able to attend a superb...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
At Bushey Meads students take a very active role in running the school and help to take decisions that shape our ongoing school improvement journey. Nearly 60 students meet every half term as part of the active Student Parliament and, although their work is overseen by our Student Leadership Coordinator Mr Burley, the students very much run the meetings. At their last meeting they discussed whether or not the school should continue providing Student Planners to students at the start of every academic year and whether they are still a necessary tool in their equipment for learning. Following their discussion, two Year 8 students – Kush in 8M and Angelina in 8B, came to the Senior Leadership Team meeting on Monday evening of this week to present their findings and take part in a discussion and decision making process to move this agenda forward.
Their professional presentation was very helpful in crystallising the views of the students across the school and ensured that the right decision was made. The Deputy Headteacher and Assistant Headteachers joined me in thanking them for their work. Overall, particularly following the pandemic and move towards more online learning platforms and the embedded use of Edulink, it was felt that students do not need to record their home learning in their planners, as it is all recorded on Google Classroom and Edulink. This means that the majority of the pages in the Student Planner are obsolete. Students commented that they do appreciate and like some of the pages at the front and rear of the planner and, if possible they should still be provided, although some of the information at the back is available online or in text books provided by the school, so again not entirely necessary. Molst classrooms also provided their own mini whiteboards so again it is not always necessary to use the mini whiteboard at the back of the planner.
Students did comment that they would like some form of notebook to record important information about school life, dates and activities though. Taking all these important views into account, as a school we will be looking to source or produce a notebook with some key information pages in for all students from September. Deputy Headteacher Mr Searle will be discussing how to facilitate this over the coming weeks. In the meantime we would like to thank our hard working Student Parliament and especially Kush and Angelina for their helpful presentation, input into the leadership discussion and pertinent comments that will help our school move forward positively and continue to support all students as effectively as we can.
On Friday night the music department took our GCSE class to see the London Philharmonic Orchestra play an evening of film music. We saw a wonderful programme of music featuring...
Our super-friendly welcoming BMS Buddies have once again played a key part in our hugely important transition meetings with new Year 6 students and parents who will be joining us...