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Student Clubs

As an extended project for year 12 prefects, we have decided to run lunchtime clubs for all year groups in order to allow the younger students more access to extracurricular activities. These clubs include a Debate club where each week, a different topic will be introduced and debated with a for and against side, a Psychology club which is aimed towards KS3 and 4 students as an introduction to GCSE Psychology and a Coding club where you can learn how to code. There is also a Cinema club where you can spend your lunchtime watching films and a competitive Board games/Chess club.
The clubs which prefects have developed vary in activities, meaning they are flexible for all and allow students across all year groups to learn something new whilst socialising with others within the school. The clubs begin the week commencing Monday the 29th and we hope to encourage as many students as possible to come along! Reward points and prizes will also be handed out in terms of attendance and successes within the clubs.

Thank you!
Deputy Head Prefects, Blossom Santana-Spevick and Amy Phillips.

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