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STEM Challenge of the Week: Thread Spool Tank

STEM Challenge of the Week: Thread Spool Tank

Suresh Varsani
Suresh Varsani
STEM Challenge of the Week: Thread Spool Tank

Dear students, parents and carers,

Here is the STEM Challenge for this week. Do you have a thread spool at home? If not, try substituting it with something else you can find around the house to complete this challenge.

A really big well done to Roshni Vara in Year 9, who took part in a live online STEM conference called ‘Big Bang Digital 2020’. Roshni said:

Today, I joined the Big Bang STEM event and I joined several of the livestreams including:

The Worldwide Race to Develop a Vaccine,
Young Talent Against Covid-19
Explosion of Colour: A Gastronaut Adventure.

They were all intriguing and brilliant and I would definitely love to join something like this again!

Tomorrow I am going to watch the following livestreams as I missed them during day one:

‘On the frontline: NHS workers tackling coronavirus’
‘Ask the experts: your questions about the virus’

Thank you for sharing this great opportunity with us. I am very glad I watched the livestreams as they were truly inspiring!

Roshni has shown the passion and signs of becoming an excellent student STEM leader and at a time when there is still a big drive to get more girls into STEM!

I hope Roshni and lots of other students can join in with all of our STEM events at school when we return in September


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