Snow Day on Monday
I would like to thank all stakeholders for their understanding and support on Monday of this week as we grappled with the additional challenges of the inclement weather conditions...
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I would like to thank all stakeholders for their understanding and support on Monday of this week as we grappled with the additional challenges of the inclement weather conditions...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
We are very proud of our students at Bushey Meads and we are delighted to recognise hard work in all forms. The pastoral team chose the student of week by looking at all the...
Posted by Helen Blowers
Although there has been massive changes to the access of religious education around the world, the teaching and learning of religion shall not be stopped! Religious Studies is a...
Posted by Stephanie Falusi
This week saw our second non-fiction D.E.A.R event. On Tuesday students and staff dropped everything to read for 25 minutes. With the school bell being rung it acted as a reminder...
Posted by Claire Till
Over the past few months our supracurriculum resources have been growing and with KS4 and 5 looking to the future becoming even more relevant to our extra-curricular provision....
Posted by Claire Till
Student voice is really at the heart of what we do at Bushey Meads and despite the challenges we face during the current times, it was great to receive this account from Calum...
Posted by Suresh Varsani
January 30th to 6th February, is National Storytelling Week. If you want to find out more about the group, the work they do and some fact sheets that help aspiring writers, this...
Posted by Lynn Court
I have written this poem to reflect how many of us are feeling at the moment. I was inspired by some pictures of snowdrops that a friend had recently posted on facebook. It...
Posted by Michelle Penny
Last week I attended the first in this year’s Careers Hub meetings organised by the Careers and Enterprise Company. Bushey Meads is the Lead school for careers in...
Posted by Di Mcildowie
It has been incredible to see how effectively our IT team has been overseeing and managing the roll out of the laptops for schools initiative to enable those students, who are...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
I would like to thank all stakeholders for their understanding and support on Monday of this week as we grappled with the additional challenges of the inclement weather conditions that came our way.
As you are aware, with many staff not able to attend school and working from home, we uploaded work onto google classrooms for students to complete at home or in school and then returned to our live lessons approach on Tuesday, once all staff could be back together in the school environment.
Despite encouraging all staff to stay at home, over 35 staff came in to school on Monday – some staff walking for over an hour to be on site to help and support the staff and students who were in! It was an incredibly powerful testimony of the togetherness and willingness to ‘be there for each other’ at this time that exists in our school community and which sometimes gets overlooked.
Members of the Senior Leadership were even seen to be helping out our amazing site team led by our hardworking and dedicated Site Manager across the Trust Mr Campion. Equipped with gloves and mini salt spreaders they did their bit to ensure the school site was as safe as possible for their colleagues and the students who attended school at the start of the week.
We would like to take this opportunity to signpost avenues of support should you have an urgent safeguarding concern. These are particularly important to be aware of if you have a...
As many of you will be aware, Mr Turner has invested heavily in our outdoor spaces. It has been the privilege of the Pastoral Team to witness a lot of the kindness and happiness...