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Secrets to Success
Success is something we all strive for and in our Main School Assemblies this week Assistant Headteacher Mr Mitman shared his top three tips for achieving true success. He also explained that when you see success it is like seeing the tip of the iceberg; what you don’t see is all the hard work, the determination, the failure and grit to keep going and persistent sacrifices made. At Bushey Meads School we constantly share the top tips for success in classrooms across the school. These top tips are displayed as the Keys to Success and I would encourage all students to hone and perfect all of these if they want to be really successful learners.
  1. Attending school every day – aiming for 100% attendance.
  2. Being punctual to lessons dressed smartly, equipped for learning and with the right attitude to learning.
  3. Being prepared to go the extra mile and do the extra (home learning and additional practice on a daily basis.
As parents and carers do encourage your children to do this. Practice doesn’t always make perfect but practice does make progress and progress is what we all want for the students in our care; progress to be proud of at the end of their time at Bushey Meads School.

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