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SAM Learning Weekly Championship Results…

SAM Learning Weekly Championship Results…

Suresh Varsani
Suresh Varsani
SAM Learning Weekly Championship...

Staff and students alike, have had to get used to setting, completing and submitting work online and in this article, you can see the results of the SAM Learning Weekly Championship for the past three weeks!

As before, the rewards are electronic (reward points), but when the time is right, I hope we will be able to move to a greater variety of rewards.  Of course, this is just a side issue as the biggest reward is the enjoyment and progress in learning.

Currently, with students still working from home, the task hours needed to achieve the different awards is set much higher than would be if we were at school.  When we are back in school, I will set appropriate criteria for the awards taking into consideration that you would be in school during the day.  Just to put things in context, anyone achieving a silver, gold or platinum award under the current criteria, has completed over 10 task hours in a week on SAM Learning, which is astonishing!  Well done!  We are super proud of you!  The lists of winners is getting bigger and bigger and whilst this means extra work for me in terms of compiling the results and putting on reward points etc, it is very welcome work as I know more and more students are gaining from engaging with this great resource.

Please see below for all the winners over the past three weeks – complete a minimum of three task hours in a week and you will have made it on to the future leaderboards.  Here are some words of wisdom from two of our best SAM Learning Champions:

Jathursan Suthakaran

As there is the virus outbreak, everyone has been at home. However, student’s learning will be continuing as normal, but online. I understand that this is a new type of scenario for us but I am sure we are all safe and aware about this. As we are all home, many of us would be using electronics but this is a big opportunity to explore more.

SAM Learning is one of the great opportunities out of thousands. This website contains a wide range of topics that you can explore and many adventures you can go on whilst learning. Our wonderful teachers give us reward points which really motivate me. I enjoy doing Maths as it is my favourite subject. I do SAM Learning for a minimum of 20 minutes on a daily basis as it develops my skills on working in situations like this. Also there are rewards if you gain a certain amount of task hours, they are: Bronze Award, Silver Award, Gold Award and the Platinum Award. If you do it more regularly it gets more interesting. I wish you the best of luck with SAM Learning

By Jathursan-Year 8

Tom Harverson

Sam learning is an amazing website where you can read and learn about lots topics and subjects for children aged 5 – 17. There is a mixture between multiple choice questions and also writing questions. When I go onto Sam Learning, I first check to see if there is any work set by my teachers, if so I spend 10 – 15 minutes doing it.  Afterwards, I would go onto KS3 and have a go at Maths, Science and History work, since these are my favourite subjects at the moment. If there is a day of the week during homeschooling where I complete all my set work quickly enough, I would spend 20-25 minutes on English or Geography exercises (specifically Creative Writing and earthquakes and natural disasters).

I hope this will help other BMS children get better at learning

By Tom Harverson Year 8

Both of these boys have completed over 150 hours of SAM Learning in the last 3 weeks, which is truly phenomenal.  Well done Jathursan And Tom!

Feel free to email me if you are having any issues logging in.

Best of luck to you all in the coming weeks

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