SAM Learning Champions!!
If any students have not logged in to SAM Learning, please do so as soon as possible as you are missing out on an amazing resource! So, who are the current SAM Learning...
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If any students have not logged in to SAM Learning, please do so as soon as possible as you are missing out on an amazing resource! So, who are the current SAM Learning...
Posted by Suresh Varsani
Last week Mr. Dawson delivered the breakfast time to Sh9ne session in the sixth form centre. Here’s what Yaasri and Dhwani had to say about it…. For the penultimate...
Posted by Lauren Wright
Hello, my name is Andrea. I am a year 10 student, and I decided to take psychology as one of my options for GCSE because I thought that it would be really interesting to learn...
Posted by Chloe Lister
After a very successful Anti-bullying week the Ambassadors raised £116.00. The money raised was from sales of sweets and cakes And yes Bushey Meads students do love their sweets...
Posted by Helen Mateides
This week, the maths leaders were instructed to give a presentation to other classes about the links between maths, projectiles and space! The presentation addressed what...
Posted by James Donovan
On the 14th of February 2020, we were given an opportunity to go to the Falcade in Italy for a skiing trip. At first it was a little intimidating to some of us visiting a...
Posted by Adam Lyley
Happy 1st Birthday to the Bushey Meads School therapy dog Bonnie! All the students had a lovely time celebrating with her on Tuesday 10th March!
Posted by Roa Dillon
As part of the celebrations for World Book Day students were invited to put their baking skills to the test and create book-themed cakes for a competition. The cakes were...
Posted by Teresa Turton
This term, Year 10 D&T students have studied the theory behind structural engineering. TENSION <> COMPRESSION <> TORSION <> BENDING <> SHEARING The...
Posted by David Chalkley
Last week all Year 10 students were off timetable on work experience placements that they had either sourced themselves or that had been organised by school. It was a really...
Posted by Beverly Biggerstaff
If any students have not logged in to SAM Learning, please do so as soon as possible as you are missing out on an amazing resource!
Please find below some leaderboards showing the Champions so far SAM Learning. Well done to everyone who is using this online learning platform so well! There is still some time left in March for you to climb up the March Leaderboards! Go for it!
The Year 11 revision programme was launched last week with targeted students being invited to after school sessions. Attendance at these sessions has been impressive, with...
Success is something we all strive for and in our Main School Assemblies this week Assistant Headteacher Mr Mitman shared his top three tips for achieving true success. He also...