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Restoring Relationships and Resetting the Learning

Restoring Relationships and Resetting the Learning

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Restoring Relationships and Resetting the...
At Bushey Meads School, to support our strong focus on our 3 Rs of Respect, Responsibility and Relationships, we expect all students to follow our clear Keys to Success displayed in every classroom.
Following the One Voice Rule (listening carefully when others are talking), trying our best and being kind to one another underpin our expectations.
When things go wrong we work hard to restore relationships in reset and restore meetings which take place after the lesson, or at break and lunchtime.
Advanced Lead Teacher Mr Godfrey led our Friday Faculty Foci two weeks ago and reminded staff of the effective approaches that he uses to ensure relationships are restored and all students get a chance to start again ‘afresh’ in the next lesson.
As parents and carers, do remind your children of the Key to Success and talk to them about the importance of showing respect, taking responsibility for their actions and their work and the need to build really good and positive relationships with their teachers and indeed all staff at the school.

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