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Replica Trophy Presented to Outstanding BMS Sports Winner

Replica Trophy Presented to Outstanding BMS Sports Winner

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Replica Trophy Presented to Outstanding BMS...
Last year a superb new trophy was donated to Bushey Meads School by John Rugg, the father of one of our past students who excelled at sport whilst at Bushey Meads School in the late 90s. Jamie Rugg was particularly talented at basketball and was nominated to be the Most Valuable Player in the year the senior basketball team won the Hertfordshire School’s Basketball Championship in 1995. In those days the Basketball Championship was held across all secondary schools in the county, so it was a particularly inspiring achievement – beating over 100 schools to reach and win the prestigious competition. Sadly Jamie passed away last year but, through the donation of the hugely significant trophy, his memory will live on in our hearts – across and beyond our school community. The cup, aptly named the ‘Bushey Meads School Inspiring Sports Achievement Trophy’ will be awarded each year in memory of Jamie. 
Last Friday Mr Rugg visited the school to personally present Josh in Year 9 (who is the first ever winner and was awarded the main trophy at last summer’s Rewards Evening) with a superb replica trophy and also return the main trophy to the school, now with Josh’s name engraved on the plaque. Mr Rugg also came to see the framed photos of Jamie mounted outside the PE and Health Faculty Office, in pride of place to inspire all future generations at the school.
We would like to once again thank Mr Rugg for his generosity and commitment to inspiring future generations of young people at Bushey Meads.

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