Pre-University Women’s Event-6th Form students
We would strongly encourage the young women in Year 12 to make an application to attend the Goldman Sachs ‘Pre-University Women’s Event’ in London on 15th March 2023. This one-day...
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We would strongly encourage the young women in Year 12 to make an application to attend the Goldman Sachs ‘Pre-University Women’s Event’ in London on 15th March 2023. This one-day...
Posted by Gary Chambers
Since returning to school after the holidays Humanities and Social Sciences staff have been working hard to ensure that all students are re-familiarised with the routine that they...
Posted by James Burley
Posted by Maryam Razavi
Looking for a STEMazing certification to add to your CV? Fancy learning a skill used in many roles across STEM? Then look no further! Join in-person in Reading or online across 4...
Posted by Mo Abusef
Anton 12O Anton has been nominated by his French teacher, Ms Pandya for his fantastic ATL.Ms Pandya has said Anton is proactive, thorough and always prepared for his French...
Posted by Giles Monks
The students were challenged with the task of designing and making a small scale wind turbine capable of powering a small light. Kyal approached this task with his usual high...
Posted by David Chalkley
At Bushey Meads School, we invest in the online learning platform Sam Learning for all our students. Sam Learning has a huge range of revision and learning resources in almost all...
Posted by Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
The Dance Department’s Student Awards were created to award students from all years and key stages for their commitments, efforts, improvements and successes at the end of every...
Posted by Eliz Noyan
Head of Standards, Safeguarding and SEND, Mrs Ash has been leading the main school assemblies this week on the theme of Confidence. Sometimes we think that people are born...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
Deputy Head of Maths Miss Timmins led our Friday Faculty Foci at the end of last week and shared some excellent practice related to revision-based lesson starters and embedded...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
We would strongly encourage the young women in Year 12 to make an application to attend the Goldman Sachs ‘Pre-University Women’s Event’ in London on 15th March 2023.
This one-day in person event will introduce year 12 & year 13 A-Level students to a unique combination of experiential learning, mentorship and university readiness. It will provide students with an opportunity to develop their strengths, build confidence and gain exposure to the many career opportunities within the financial services industry. Early application is advised.
Application Deadline: Friday, 10th February 2023
For more information, go here:
Venue: Goldman Sachs Offices: London
Posted by Dr G. Chambers and Mr K. Ose
On Tuesday of this week the Sixth Form Team, led by Associate Leader and Head of Sixth Form Mr O’Kelly, welcomed our largest cohort of external sixth form applicants to Bushey...
On Monday 28th we were delighted to welcome both new to school students and our Year 11 students back into our outstanding Sixth Form for our new Bridging Fortnight. The students...