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Powerful Progress 8 Assembly

Powerful Progress 8 Assembly

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Powerful Progress 8 Assembly

Our excellent Year 11 cohort gathered in the Main Hall last Friday afternoon and listened attentively to Deputy Headteacher Mr Searle. The occasion was very poignant in their journey through this hugely important season of preparing for their crucial GCSE examinations and was an opportunity for Mr Searle to outline all the various strategies and intervention programmes being put in place for all students. These include: the Rising Stars Mentoring Scheme, Cracking the Core sessions in CDC time, focussed revision classes in all subject areas at lunchtime and after school, additional intervention sessions for some students, the Time to Shine programme, dedicated resources and space to revise in the Learning Resource Centre or LRC and Study Saturdays in the run up to the exams.

Students also received a handy pocket-sized Revision Timetable Booklet and laminated Progress 8 Cards which clearly highlight which subjects they need to improve in to get an overall positive Progress 8 Score (indicating good progress against target grades). We wish them all well as they continue to revise over the coming weeks and work hard in all lessons and revision sessions.

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