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Positive Student Feedback

Every year at this time we ask all of our students to complete a survey, based on the Ofsted parental survey, giving their opinions about the school.

This data is then analysed carefully by the Senior Leadership Team, helping to shape school improvement year on year. Student Voice is a vital part of improving a school and it is fantastic that so many students took the time to give us their feedback.

Some of the statements students responded to were:

  • I am happy at this school
  • I feel safe at this school
  • I am well looked after at this school

As you can see from the charts below, we had an extremely positive response for these 3 statements with 93.2% of students saying they are happy at the school, 95.1% of students agreeing they feel safe at school and 90.6% stating they feel well looked after.

On the key question of ‘Would you recommend this school to another student?’ 90% of respondents said they would recommend the school to another student.

When comparing these results to last year’s student survey, every single one has improved.
It is also lovely to read some of the positive comments made by the students:
I love it at this school‘, Year 7 student
Bushey Meads is a big step up from primary and I felt very welcomed when I joined‘, Year 7 student
I think the teachers are really supportive and help you with any struggles‘, Year 7 student
I like what some teachers do, they have 3 options: easy medium and hard. It helps me get more comfortable with the subject and helps to challenge myself‘, Year 8 student
The school is well led and I am happy here”, Year 9 student
This school is great and I feel like I am making great progress here, I feel safe here and I am getting work which is appropriate for my age which helps my progress increase even when I am at home‘, Year 10 student  
Alongside the positive comments were suggestions on areas to improve which will be a key focus in future Student Parliament meetings under the leadership of Assistant Headteacher, Mr Varsani

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