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Kindness Thought of the Week

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PE CONCEPT of the Week: Tactical Understanding (HEAD) Mr O’Kelly
The BMS PE and Health Faculty are committed to promoting an active, healthy lifestyle amongst the BMS student population. In addition we also aim to deliver a CONCEPT driven curriculum where the many varied aspects of the HEAD, HANDS, HEART assessment programme are delivered in lessons. Each week lessons have a CONCEPT focus which is taught as part of the delivery of a range of sporting activities.
This week in PE, the focus was on Tactical Understanding, a crucial concept that helps students develop the skills necessary to make effective decisions during sports. Tactical Understanding is all about recognising patterns in a game, anticipating the actions of opponents, and implementing strategies to gain an advantage. For Year 8, this concept was brought to life in their basketball lesson, which had a particular focus on both individual and team defending.
During one lesson, Year 8 students worked on improving their one-on-one defensive skills, considering how to position themselves effectively to limit their opponent’s options. They learned to anticipate moves, close down space, and use their body positioning to force attackers into less favourable situations. However, it wasn’t just about individual defence – students were also encouraged to think tactically as part of a team. They practised how to communicate with teammates, help each other out in double-team situations, and rotate positions to ensure they were always in a strong defensive position.
By the end of the lesson, the Year 8’s had not only improved their defensive techniques but had a better understanding of how individual actions fit into a wider team strategy. They saw firsthand how tactical understanding, whether on the individual level or within the team, can make a significant difference in performance. The lesson reinforced the importance of thinking ahead, anticipating the opposition’s moves, and working together to create a solid, cohesive defensive strategy. The students left with a clearer understanding of how tactical awareness can elevate their gameplay.
This week students from Year 7 and Year 9 took part in annual Watford District Cross-Country Championships at Royal Masonic School in Rickmansworth. The event was rescheduled after being cancelled in November. It was a really competitive afternoon of running with some big fields of competitors particularly in Year 7.
Special mention to F Francos Year 9 Boys who came very close to winning his race and only missed out in the final few strides finishing runner-up. In addition V Olas Year 7 Girls finished in a fantastic 5th place. Well done to all of our students who took part in the races – all were a credit to the school showing high levels of effort and commitment.
Other top 40 finishers included :
Year 7 Boys : B Hemmings 15th, D Hope 23rd
Year 7 Girls : E Jacks 20th
Year 9 Boys : K Mistry 12th
Year 9 Boys v WESTFIELD (District League) HOME Mr O’Kelly
Date: Monday 20th January 2025
Result: Win 32 – 12
Scorers : S. McGrath 15, D Snowden 6
Squad: D. Snowden, S. McGrath, H Keough, A Keough, E Goddard, M. Golon-Matthews, A. Chaudhry, R Doran, F. Gee
Comment: A fantastic start to the season with a comfortable victory against an opposition who struggled to create chances to score from in close. With disciplined defense and a sharing of the scoring from BMS, the pressure remained on Westfield to catch up after BMS broke away from them in the second quarter. Let’s hope that this performance and confidence is seen in their next game too.
Year 7 Boys v WESTFIELD (District League) AWAY Mr Harris
Date: Monday 20th January 2025
Result: Won 30 – 10
Scorers :
Comment: A first basketball game for the Year 7 students this week against Westfield. After only having a handful of practices beforehand we started well. We got some early points on the board and the game was heavily contested. The boys performed extremely well in the first quarter although unfortunately came in down 8 – 4. In the second quarter we really took hold, forcing mistakes and intercepting the ball. We scored our layups and made it to the half 10pts up. Into the third quarter we continued to work hard, defending well and scoring more points. We had a variety of scores in this game and it showed excellent teamwork. As the game progressed we continued to take our game to the next level and ended up coming away with a comfortable win. Well done to all involved and an excellent performance in their first game.
Year 8 Boys v WESTFIELD (District League) HOME Mr Cartledge
Date: Tuesday 21st January 2025
Result: Won 16-12
Scorers : E Silver 10, C Allan 2, R Samin 2, Z Butler 2
Squad: E Silver, A Tobias, J Huryta, R Samin, D Williams, C Holt, Y Mushtaq, D Isles, C Allan, Z Butler
Comment: A good start to the new basketball season for Year 8 with a deserved victory in a close game. E Silver dominated on offence and was the games top scorer with 5 baskets. All the team showed good concentration on defence and some positive passages of play on offence. Attendance at lunchtime basketball club for Year 8 has been fantastic and it’s great to see the boys enjoying some competitive basketball. Well done all !
Year 8/9 (District Tournament) @Queens Mrs Cooper
Date: Tuesday 21st January 2025
Results: Won 1, Lost 4
Squad: D.Vinoth, Y Loku-Galapathige, A.Baliguat, Z.Chowdhury, J.Isles, Y.Khan
Comment: The year 8 and 9 girls played with enthusiasm and effort in an extremely tough and fast paced round-robin tournament. With only a little previous experience the girls learnt quickly and made good progress in each of their matches. Developing their skills as well as the tactical understanding of the game. Although BMS scored in each game with more accuracy in and around the basket some of the games may have had a different outcome. It was great to see the progress the girls made especially in terms of their competitiveness and there are lots of positives to build on for the future. The highlight of the tournament was a convincing 12-0 scoreline over local rivals Queens 2, in the last game, demonstrating just how far the girls had come. Excellent work ladies!
Year 10 Boys v St Clement Danes (District League) AWAY Mr Harris
Date: Tuesday 21st January 2025
Result: Lost 6-0
Squad: J. Hiett (GK), S. Ardeleanu, K. Gibson, L. Avci, H. Neal, H. McManus, N. Walters, F. Fowler, H. Wills, F. Fowler, M. Donnelly, K. Banfield, R. Cooper.
Commended performances:
U13 Girls v Aldenham (National Cup) AWAY Miss Sunpongco
Date: Monday 20th January 2025
Result: Lost 2-1 (after extra-time)
Scorer: M. Preston
Squad: R. Oliveira (GK), A. Mckenzie, D. Towill, B. Fowler, M. Preston, F. Sheward, F. Shire, E. Jacks, E. Bain and J. Blowers.
Commended performances: F Shire
Comment: First game of the year for the girls was round 2 of the National Cup. Everyone went into the game with high expectations of each other and eager to get goals in. The girls played an evenly matched football game, showcasing strong teamwork and determination. Unfortunately, they conceded just before half-time, but their effort and spirit remained commendable throughout the match. Onto the next one this week!
PE kit
It is essential that students have the full correct PE kit for all lessons. This includes shinpads and black /yellow socks when participating in football lessons and also a pair of white sports socks for all other activities. Students will be reminded when activities change. Students not bringing the correct kit will instantly receive consequence points.
Girls should be wearing plain black shorts which are longer than the length of their PE shirt or hoody. Leggings should be black sports leggings and not see through. Black tracksuit bottoms are also permitted.
ALL jewellery should be removed prior to the start of the lesson, including earrings, and hair should be tied up.
For any parental enquiries about any aspects of PE contact the Head of PE and Health Faculty Ashley Cartledge cartledgea@busheymeads.org.uk . For any specific issues related to Girls PE and girls fixtures contact Sarah Cooper coopers@busheymeads.org.uk.