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PE and Health Faculty News

PE and Health Faculty News

Ashley Cartledge
Ashley Cartledge
PE and Health Faculty News


Senior Boys v Immanuel  (District League) HOME  Mr Cartledge

Date : Thursday 15th September 2022

Result : Lost 5-1

Scorers : K Larkin

Squad : S Booth (Capt) (13), C Lynch (13), Aarav Kothary (GK) (13), Taylor Bates (13), Ellis Anthony (13), Hammad Mughal (13), Abbas Kazmi (13), Matt Keough (13), David Tegzes (12), Ari Ali (12), Kyle Larkin (11), Arvin Sacikarah (11), Hadeed Wafi (11) 

Commended performances : K Larkin, S Booth, D Tegzes 

Comment : The Senior boys were very unlucky to lose their first match of the season after a very closely contested game with Immanuel. BMS dominated the early stages and were unlucky not to take the lead before Immanuel scored late into the first half. The second half saw the BMS boys immediately strike back with a penalty from K Larkin but with the boys on top of the game 2 defensive lapses saw Immanuel take the lead with the BMS team unable to recover. The scoreline was not a fair reflection of the game and the BMS team can look forward with confidence to future matches after some very positive passages of play in the game.

Year 10 Boys v Immanuel  (District League) HOME  Mr Burnell

Date : Thursday 15th September 2022

Year 10 boys v Imanual 

Result : Won 8-0

Scorers : C. Tegzes, I. Harry Brown, A. Gates. 

Squad : K. Tinriover, C. Tegzes ,A. Gates, G. Eldridge, O. Spencer, I. Harry Brown, N. Morka, D. Ansu Otu, M. McManus, F.Cross, K. Ford, J. Harris, S. Millberry, S. Johnson, A. Bracewell, D. Diaz

Commended performances : C. Tegzes, I. Harry Brown, A. Gates, K. Ford   

Comment : Thursday saw the year 10 boys play their first league game of the season v Immanuel. The team started the game well. They played at a high intensity, which enabled them to create multiple chances to score. Unfortunately we were unable to take most of the chances that we created but lead 1-0 at the break. The second half started similar to the first as the team dominated the ball and kept producing excellent goal scoring opportunities. However, the difference in the second half compared to the first was that they took their opportunities and scored some very good goals. Overall an excellent start to the season.


Year 8 Girls v Westfield  (District League) HOME  Mrs Cooper

Date : Wednesday 21st September 2022 

Result : Won 16-0

Squad : E.Gjici, J.Frumuselu, R.Chudasma, A-R.Hemmings, H.Sookhoo, N.Olubodun, A.Doherty, A.Belghiru, A.Gibson, E.Mullings

Commended performances : A-R Hemmings (voted for by the opposition) special mention also to E.Gjici for fantastic shooting

Comment : A great first match of the season for the year 8 squad, completely dominating their opposition from the onset. Showing some great passing through the centre court and fantastic shooting in the circle the girls took an unassailable lead into the half time. In the spirit of sportsmanship the girls all switched positions in the second half ensuring people got to experience new positions. Well played everyone.


Year 9 Girls v Westfield  (District League) HOME  Mrs Cooper

Date : Wednesday 21st September 2022 

Result : Won 11-2

Squad : V.Hill, S.Doran, E.Bird, l.Winslett, I.Wijayantha, L.Qarib, M.Bazile, Z.O’Brart, I.Palan

Commended performances : S.Doran (voted for by the opposition)

Comment : Another strong performance from the year 9 team who were deservedly victorious.  Starting strongly with some good attacking play and great shooting they outplayed their opponents in all areas of the court.  The defence had little to do but repeatedly managed to confidently regain possession to ensure their opposition had few opportunities to score. Great performance team.

For full details of the clubs, fixtures and practices students and parents need to check on the Bushey Meads School website in the Calendar icon where you will find a full list of the extra-curricular activities. This is updated on a weekly basis to show the fixtures and practices for each week. In addition students can check the notice boards in the boys and girls changing rooms and in the main PE lobby. The PE and Health Faculty also have their own Twitter account which includes regular updates on fixtures, match reports and details of forthcoming events. 


PE Kit

It is essential that students have the full correct PE kit for all lessons. This includes shinpads and black /yellow socks when participating in football lessons and also a pair of white sports socks for all other activities. Students will be reminded when activities change. Students not bringing the correct kit will instantly receive consequence points.

Girls should be wearing plain black shorts which are longer than the length of their PE shirt or hoody. Leggings should be black sports leggings and not see through.  Black tracksuit bottoms are also permitted.

ALL jewellery should be removed prior to the start of the lesson, including earrings, and hair should be tied up.

For any parental enquiries about any aspects of PE contact the Head of PE and Health Faculty Ashley Cartledge [email protected] . For any specific issues related to Girls PE and girls fixtures contact Sarah Cooper [email protected].

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