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Pastoral Update in Sixth Form

Pastoral Update in Sixth Form

Des Timotheou
Des Timotheou
Pastoral Update in Sixth Form

Last year was a very challenging year and I would like to express how proud I am of our amazing 

Sixth Form; the adaptability, maturity and perseverance adopted by Year 12 and Year 13 was remarkable.

With another lockdown and more challengings caused by the uncertainty of teacher assessed grades and keeping on track for next year, we have supported many students and parents at this time. A great number of  students, and parents have been in contact with us to express their gratitude for the ongoing hard work of staff and their appreciation for the weekly contact by the Sixth Form team. The school is open for Vulnerable and Critical workers children.

It was lovely to see some more of Year 12 and Year 13 students in school last week and this week, coming in to make use of the resources and being able to speak with their teachers.

The changes that we have all had to adapt to have been incredibly difficult, not being able to go about your day as usual, including attending school and socialising with your peers. I am delighted with the way our students have embraced change and have adapted, their resilience is awe- inspiring.

In the face of adversity and constant changes, we really discover who we are and what we’re made of, which is what we are witnessing with Sixth Form students.  I am extremely proud of how they have managed the new ‘norm’ and have continued to work hard and support each other. 

Please do not forget to take care of your body and mind, as one doesn’t work well without the other.

Keep up the good work everyone and take care of yourselves.


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