Year 11 ‘An Inspector Calls’ Seminar
Last week, our year 11 students had the opportunity to participate in a seminar led by author, education advisor, and co-director of the English and Media Centre, Barbara Bleiman....
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Last week, our year 11 students had the opportunity to participate in a seminar led by author, education advisor, and co-director of the English and Media Centre, Barbara Bleiman....
Posted by Anthony Carter
Last Thursday, our year 8 students had an incredible opportunity to immerse themselves in the world of STEM during our Enrichment Day. The day was packed with inspiring talks,...
Posted by Mo Abusef
Posted by Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
Have you ever thought about how many words start with AUTO? This root comes from Greek and means “self.” You see it everywhere—from automobile (a vehicle that moves by...
Posted by Amy Druce
Last Friday, the History Department took a group of eager Year 11 students to St Albans for an exciting and insightful day of learning. They watched two captivating plays,...
Posted by admin
The school was buzzing with activity on Thursday last week for our 3rd Enrichment Day of the year. Students got to take part in a variety of activities aimed to enhance their...
Posted by Tracy Greenwood
As per our email earlier in the week, the school plans to hold a number of key stakeholder engagement events where we can engage in an open and constructive discussion about ways...
Posted by Olivia De Groot
I was privileged to watch Mrs Lee, Deputy SENDCo, deliver a fantastic lesson to Year 9 on Monday morning. The students were engaged throughout, learning about The Crucible, they...
Posted by Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
Tuesday morning started with a visit to see Mrs Seed, SENDCo, teach her Year 11 English class. The students were actively preparing for their forthcoming exams, doing past paper...
Posted by Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
Students in KS3 have been enjoying using the Learning Resource Centre, LRC, for reading lessons as part of their English curriculum. Miss Denton, Advanced Lead Teacher for...
Posted by Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
Ensuring our high profile focus on the importance of inculcating excellence habits of reading in all our students continued this week with our first DEAR (Drop Everything and...
Wolf Hall’ (2009) by Hilary Mantel Recently recommended as a lockdown read by the Independent, Wolf Hall is historical fiction set in the time of Henry VIII. It follows the king’s...