Year 11 ‘An Inspector Calls’ Seminar

Year 11 ‘An Inspector Calls’ Seminar

Anthony Carter
Anthony Carter
Year 11 ‘An Inspector Calls’...
Last week, our year 11 students had the opportunity to participate in a seminar led by author, education advisor, and co-director of the English and Media Centre, Barbara Bleiman. The seminar centred on Priestley’s An Inspector Calls.
The session began with an in-depth exploration of the play through Barbara’s own short story ‘An Inspector Calls’. This approach allowed students to delve into the themes and characters of the play from a fresh perspective, enriching their understanding and sparking lively discussions.
Following the exploration, the students were given the task of creating poems based on the play. It was inspiring to see the creativity and insight that each student brought to their work. The poems reflected not only their grasp of the play’s intricate themes, but also their individual voices and interpretations.
Both Ms Druce and I were incredibly impressed with the students’ contributions. Their enthusiasm and dedication were evident throughout the seminar.
Please enjoy the poem written below by Gabriella in 11S:
A chain of events, question after question
It’s my duty, only mine
We’ll try to understand what’s happened,
Share the guilt, divide the responsibility.
Remember it, and do not forget.
I’m unsinkable. Absolutely unsinkable.

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