KayScience – A great new revision tool

KayScience – A great new revision tool

Helen Booth
Helen Booth
KayScience – A great new revision tool
The science faculty has recently purchased a subscription to an exciting new online platform called KayScience for our students. The company was created by two Science teachers who have extensive experience in working in a number of UK schools. It is designed for the UK national curriculum and covers all GCSE exam boards.
The platform includes retrieval practice quizzes, revision videos, exam revision booklets and for our GCSE students, live online tuition sessions.
Students are being given their login details by their science teachers over the coming week and will be shown how to access the website. There is also an app available.
Teachers are able to set tasks for students on the platform and we will be using it to set homework tasks. The excellent thing about the program is that it tracks student attainment, so teachers will be able to use the data from homework tasks to provide feedback to students.
Students are also able to use the website to work independently and we will be encouraging them to do so regularly, especially our exam year groups.

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