Rising to the Challenge

Rising to the Challenge

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Rising to the Challenge
At school and in life it is always good to be challenged. Challenge takes us out of our comfort zones and into that learning zone where we develop and grow as people.
Associate Leader Mr Abusef led the assemblies last week on the theme of Challenge and encouraged students to embrace challenge in their lives and see it as a positive way to reach new heights of achievement.
The challenge can come in lessons – developing that Attitude to Learning and taking it to the next level – always aiming for an AtL of 7 in every lesson.
The challenges can come through taking part in extracurricular activities such as STEM Club or the CyberGirls National Competition.
The challenges can come through getting organised with revision timetables for upcoming PPEs or GCSE and A level examinations in the summer.
The challenges can come from just aiming to be a better person today than yesterday – having that Mind to Be Kind at all times.
Above all, don’t shy away from challenges – they are an important aspect of growth and life!

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