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Oxford Raising Aspirations Trip

Oxford Raising Aspirations Trip

Tracy Greenwood
Tracy Greenwood
Oxford Raising Aspirations Trip

On Thursday 4th July 95 Year 7 students went on a walking tour of Oxford.

The tour guide took us to see some of the famous Oxford sights including the Bodleian Library and The Bridge of Sighs.  We got to see inside the courtyards of some of the prestigious colleges and hear about university life as well as some of the past Oxford students such as Tolkein (author of The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings), Borris Johnson and Lewis Carroll (author of the The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe).
The students were fascinated by the old architecture and asked questions about living at the colleges, exams and entry requirements.
Some students were overheard saying, ‘I could definitely see myself studying here’.
As always the students represented themselves impeccably with the tour guides commenting on the fact that they were the best groups they had had. Well done Year 7.

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