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Outstanding Alumni Assembly

Outstanding Alumni Assembly

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Outstanding Alumni Assembly
Last Friday Year 11 and 13 students enjoyed a really special assembly led by one of our BMS Alumni.
Since leaving Bushey Meads Derrie has joined the RAF and has been undertaking the challenges of recruitment training. Last week he came back to share about his experiences and how the school had prepared him for this exciting future.
Critical thinking, problem solving, physical health and fitness, being punctual, following instructions, teamwork, resilience, taking part in extracurricular activities, leading small groups and teams and listening well to others were all very important character traits and habits that Derrie stated he had developed in school and which have stood him in good stead for the future.
Lots of the Year 11 and 13 students found his assembly very inspiring and encouraged them to keep going – working hard and setting their sights on great achievements beyond school.

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