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National Reading Champions Quiz

National Reading Champions Quiz

Teresa Turton
Teresa Turton
National Reading Champions Quiz

For the second year running we entered two teams in the Regional Heat of the National Reading Champions Quiz. Competing with around 30 other schools from the region, our students were challenged with 8 rounds of 10 questions, varying from ‘match the author to the title or the quote to the character’, Comedy & Horror, author photos, Dystopian and Science Fiction, Pets in books, Brainteasers , Heroes & Heroines and ‘guess the title from the video clues’. They certainly needed to have read a wide range of books!

The first (and most crucial) challenge was deciding on which round they should play their joker for double points, especially as they had to decide the day before. As normal with any quiz, hindsight being an exact science, you wish you’d played it differently – although our Yr8 team did get 8 correct answers on their Brainteaser joker round! Despite not finishing in the top three, our teams displayed great team-work and knowledge of books but most importantly declared “this was so much fun!” and “can we do it again next year?”.

Congratulations and thanks to our two teams:

Team A: Oliver, Will, Anish and Tammar from Yr7
Team B: Briana, Luxman and Jamie from Yr8 and Gemma Goldstein Yr7

Special mention to Larry Yr8 for being on hand as a reserve and being in charge of submitting the answers.

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