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Music & Motivation From Nathan Gurd

Music & Motivation From Nathan Gurd

Helen Blowers
Helen Blowers
Music & Motivation From Nathan Gurd

On Monday we warmly welcomed the talented Nathan Gurd to Bushey Meads. The students were amazing and enthusiastically listened to both his music and his message.

Nathan motivated the student to follow their dreams and he also mentioned the importance of having a voice, highlighting the importance of speaking out when you need help. He also spoke to students about finding ways to overcome obstacles and acknowledged the impact of mental health on our students lives. As a 19 year old lad, his experiences of cyberbullying and homework stress was so relatable for many students. Nathan’s experience of feeling overwhelmed at the pressures of school workload will probably be shared by many but hopefully they took on board his message of asking for help (and putting away the xbox or mobile phone just for an hour!).

As I mentioned, our students fully embraced the experience and I was so happy to receive such positive feedback from so many students. Nathan and his, small and extremely polite, entourage were so complementary of their time at Bushey Meads. They seemed genuinely delighted at the positive behaviour and enthusiasm shown during his performances.

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