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Maximising Memory Recall and Retention

Maximising Memory Recall and Retention

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Maximising Memory Recall and Retention
On Monday of this week Head of Faculty for Science Ms Booth led the ‘Monday Magic Moment’ and reminded colleagues of the importance of developing excellent memory recall in our students – especially as the GCSE and A level examinations approach for our hard working Year 11 and 13 students.
At the start of every lesson she devises a focussed starter activity for students to complete to assist them in their ongoing revision. In science the sheer quantity of knowledge that needs to be covered is particularly challenging so this is a strategy that is definitely supporting students in this key area. The starter activity normally takes the form of a timed quiz which provides that additional dimension of competition which appeals to many students. The quizzes are marked and ‘Ragged’ by the students to identify any gaps in knowledge and the clear next steps required in their ongoing revision. This precise feedback supports great ongoing progress.
In science, along with many other faculties, various online platforms are also employed to support the effective development of memory recall and retention. These include the powerful platforms of Educake, SAMLearning and Seneca Learning – all paid for by the school and provided free to all students.
We continue to wish all our Year 11 and 13 students well as they continue to revise and prepare for their upcoming examinations.

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