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Mars Rover Landing – Technology IT and Computer Science

Mars Rover Landing – Technology IT and Computer Science

Michael Besisira
Michael Besisira
Mars Rover Landing – Technology IT and...
With all the action mainly focused on COVID and what is going to happen next, there was a massive event which took place in outer space.
Last Thursday Nasa’s Perseverance Rover landed on Mars, allowing human kind to actually explore the “Red Plant”. The journey itself took seven months through space and seven minutes to land. This was all possible via the controllers from NASA navigating through Mars’ atmosphere at 12,100 mph.
Since landing, Perseverance has collected more than 30 GB of information with an astonishing 23,000 images as the vehicle descended.
Space enthusiasts claim there was a hidden message on the parachute, made with UK-produced fabric, that helped NASA’s Perseverance Rover to land safely on Mars. The phrase “dare mighty things” was written on the parachute using a pattern representing binary code.
Explanation below
With nearly £2bn spent, NASA claim they have achieved more success with this project than most (approximately half of all mankind’s missions to Mars have failed.). For more information about Perseverance and some of its gadgets click on the link below
With all the activity which will be going on miles away, who knows how long it will take before we are the ones looking at planet earth from a distance.

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