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Maintaining a High Level of Safety for All

Maintaining a High Level of Safety for All

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Maintaining a High Level of Safety for All

It was reassuring this week, to visit BMS and see management of the COVID-19 Plan in action. The Senior Leadership Team meet, at least weekly, to review the effectiveness of rigorous processes which have evolved over the last month, in consultation with Public Health England and with the support of the Hertfordshire Infection Protection Control Nurse. In order to ensure the safety of students and staff, practices are reviewed in line with updated advice for example, only this week, the introduction of a one way system around the school buildings. Bushey Meads School is a unique environment where students benefit from separate buildings, on a single level, affording easy access to outdoor spaces and enabling well-ventilated corridors and classrooms. This means that our students are able to access modern facilities and continue their learning in all areas of the broad curriculum on offer at BMS.

We were able to review the school track and trace data showing evidence that although, in line with schools nationally, there have been a small number of positive tests recorded, the process is expertly managed by the BMS Pastoral Team who ensure that, in accordance with Public Health England criteria, students and staff identified as close contacts are recorded and required to self-isolate.

We are confident that, during this tumultuous time, our students are able to continue their education in a happy and safe environment. We would like to say “Thank You”, not only to our students and parents for their much valued cooperation, but to our extremely hard-working staff for their wholehearted commitment to BMS.

Di Hoeksma – Chair of Governors

Carol Raymond
Vice Chair of Governors (with Safeguarding responsibility)

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