Lockdown Challenges from Humanities and Social Sciences No 1
Keep Yourself Busy with Your Family During Lockdown With the Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty It can be difficult to find new things to do when you are stuck at home for...
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Keep Yourself Busy with Your Family During Lockdown With the Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty It can be difficult to find new things to do when you are stuck at home for...
Posted by Stephanie Knowles
Posted by Danielle Bowe
Teachers from the D&T faculty have used their designing and making skills to manufacture a variety of PPE equipment for NHS nurses, Pharmacists, Care workers and Supermarket...
Posted by David Chalkley
In these unprecedented times, we in the science faculty hope you and your families are all well. Being at home in the same place with the same people day in and day out can...
Posted by Damien O'Brien
As many people find themselves looking for inspiration about what to do during extended periods at home, what better than read the books you’ve had on your list...
Posted by Lynn Court
I have now successfully completed week 4 of my MOOC on ‘The Tudors’ with only 2 more weeks to go. This week was particularly interesting as it focused on the Tudor...
Posted by Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
During this unpredictable time away from the norm, it is important to continue with routines and stay active. By setting practical home learning tasks, the KS3 students have had...
Posted by Eliz Noyan
Dear students, parents and carers, Here is our second STEM Challenge of the Week. Each week, a new challenge will be shared for students and even their families to get involved...
Posted by Suresh Varsani
Since lockdown I think it’s fair to say that we are learning a whole heap of new things about ourselves, our families and the wider community. Have we discovered that we have...
Posted by Lauren Wright
I am sure by now you have found many new ways to communicate with friends and loved ones. We have been forced to become very creative with our communication and my family and I...
Posted by Helen Blowers
Keep Yourself Busy with Your Family During Lockdown With the Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty
It can be difficult to find new things to do when you are stuck at home for any length of time.
We in the humanities and social sciences faculty have some suggestions for you. Many of them are challenges and many of them are things that the whole family can enjoy.
In this first article, the suggestions are from the RE, Business Studies and Economics, Politics and Sociology departments.
Miss Falusi in the RE department has suggested you try some relaxation and meditation techniques. Why not lead your family into developing some good vibes and positivity! This can help you to take control of your state of mind for the better.
According to Buddhism relaxation and meditation are the most important things we can do as humankind. Buddhism teaches that it is the only real antidote to our own personal sorrows, and to the anxieties, fears, and general confusions that affect the human condition.
‘Headspace’ is an online meditation platform designed to provide users with guided meditation exercises, videos and more to help you get healthier and happier. You can currently try out the techniques on ‘Headspace’ for free.
Alternatively, why not try out some relaxing stretching positions while listening to soothing music on YouTube.
Either way, stay positive while staying home.
Head of Business Studies and Economics, Mrs Kinghorm, would like to set you a challenge. The challenge links in with the recent Earth Day on 22nd April and the numerous stories we have heard about how wildlife is benefitting from the lockdown. It also reminds us about how encouraging sustainability within businesses is paramount to ensure a reputation of corporate social responsibility.
Mrs Kinghorn asks all families to think about how they can use everyday items sustainably and creatively during these unprecedented times. Her challenge is for families to create their own colourful birdbox using a large four-pint milk bottle. Who doesn’t like watching the birds feed in the garden and surrounding areas?
Please send your photos to Mrs Kinghorn kinghorns@busheymeads.org.uk
Mr Monks, teacher of Politics, is asking for your photos.
He suggests that you create your own political debate with leaders of your choice! Download and print some politician face masks.
Come up with an issue to discuss
eg Privatisation has been a success, or Britain was a fairer place when I was PM / would have been fairer if I had become PM
(Top tip, try to stay clear of the B or C words: Brexit and COVID-19 to reduce family stress!)
You could even post your debate using finger puppets, or as a series of blogs / questions and answers or create a mini video / storyboard.
If you are feeling really creative try to make your own Parliament to hold your debate in!
Send completed photos / videos of puppets, debates or models to monksg@busheymeads.org.uk
Ms Lister, would like us to focus on our school mantra, ‘Mind to be Kind’.
She challenges you all to do one kind deed a day
Ms Lister reminds us that during these anxious times, it is very easy to slip into a very self centred world as we face daily moral panics that feature within several sociological research projects.
Whilst we are all inside, use this time to complete one kind thing a day for your family and email these to Miss Lister at listerc@busheymeads.org.uk
These can be a range of things from tidying your room to simply making your parents a cup of tea whilst they work from home
Watch out for more exciting challenges next week from history, psychology.and law.
Sociology is one of the exciting subjects that students can choose to study at GCSE and A Level. Sociology means the scientific study of society and covers units including family,...