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Legoland Reward Trip

Legoland Reward Trip

Siew Young
Siew Young
Legoland Reward Trip

On the 17th June 2024, Monday, the IT STEM club organised a trip to Legoland. This is to reward those Year 8 girls who have worked hard in the Girls Cybersecurity competition and also those who have been coming to the Friday IT club at lunch time, consistently.

We have fourteen Year 8 girls, three Year 8 boys and two Year 10 boys joined this reward trip. Besides enjoying the rides in the theme park, students were awarded to partake in the Lego Robotic workshop, where students assembled their own robots with wheels e.g car with wings, trucks with arms, then use a tablet to create a program that commands their robotic vehicle to move. They then download the program from the tablet to the robotic vehicle using the Bluetooth technology. The robotic vehicle would move following the commands set in the program.

The students’ challenge is to make the robotic vehicle move by following lines on the table such as moving in the shape of a rectangle or a triangle. The teaching staff was fantastic. She used a HD screen to display the commands and spoke in a clear manner to direct our students what to do.

We manage to try on as many rides as we could:

  • Speedway – a scary roller coaster ride.
  • Hydra’s Challenge – students get a little wet.
  • Flight of the Sky Lion
  • The Dragon – a thrilling roller coaster ride.
  • Pirates Fall – students get quite wet.
  • The Jolly rocker – may make you sick with the rocking movements.
  • Spinning Spider – spinning in a cup.
  • Haunted house – a rocking ride.
  • Ninja ride

It was a wonderful day with great weather and students’ behaviour was excellent, they made the BMS proud. Overall the students have enjoyed the day as well as the teaching staff, too.

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