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IT STEM club – current news

IT STEM club – current news

Siew Young
Siew Young
IT STEM club – current news

The club welcomes any students regardless of previous experience or skill as long as they are excited to learn. Each Friday lunchtime in F4, interested pupils from any year group can work together or independently on computers to enjoy and develop any ICT and computing skills.


This is what has happening this autumn term:


Teyim and Aleks have completed the Bebra Challenge which was organised by the Raspberry Pi Foundation and delivered in partnership with the University of Oxford. The Bebras Challenge introduces computational thinking to students worldwide. Each participant has 45 minutes to tackle a series of interactive tasks, designed to encourage logical thinking and problem-solving skills appropriate for their age group.


Both Teyim and Aleks received a certificate of participation while Teyim also received a Gold certificate for being the top 10% students who have achieved more than 152 marks; Aleks is in the top 50% students who have achieved more than 106 marks. I am very proud of these two Year 13 students because there were 15084 participants nationally.


Kartikeya, Teyim and Aleks have successfully completed the Enigma Challenge organised by Ada computer science ( They each received a certificate of participation from


Year 11 students Jamie, Lucas and Paul helped test the Sphere Bolt and decide whether it is worth buying this robot for the IT STEM club. Year 9 students Chloe, Kira, Lily and Anjolaoluwa also helped evaluating the effectiveness of using Sphere Bolt to teach KS3 students in programming.


Chloe built the Otto robot and attempted to program the robot by using the downloaded software. She organised the software installation with the IT technician and I am thankful for her help and dedication to her work. Finally, all the Year 11 and Year 9 students gave their valued opinions on which robot to buy and why.

Teyim and Aleks were completing the Bebra Challenge in 45mins.









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