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It All Starts with Belief!

It All Starts with Belief!

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
It All Starts with Belief!
Associate Leader and Head of IT and Computing, Mr Abusef led some very thought provoking and inspiring assemblies this week on the Theme of the Week Belief. He explained to students about the power of their brains and the potential they all have. He provided examples from peers who have believed in themselves and achieved great things – these included students who entered a National Competition and those who took part in a ‘Soaring to Success’ pilot-training opportunity.
He encouraged us all to move out of our comfort zone into the ‘learning and growth’ zones – taking opportunities to stretch ourselves and learn beyond our current thinking and experience. He also reminded students of the importance of making an action plan to ensure that our beliefs become a reality – so important for our current Year 10 students preparing for their Pre Public Exams or PPEs in a few weeks time.
He summarised the assembly by suggesting 4 key things:
  1. Read
  2. Try Your Very Best
  3. Try New Things
  4. Don’t Give Up
As a school we encourage all students to take part in activities beyond the classroom and, at the end of two of the assemblies, Mrs Hanbury spoke to the students in Years 8 and 9 about the exciting opportunity to take part in next year’s Residential Trip to Naples. As parents and carers, do look out for the letters and this week’s newsletter article for more information.

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