Stunning Dance Showcase Evening
There has been a real buzz around the school this week for our first ever BMS Arts Week, coordinated by Dance Teacher and Head of Oak House Miss Dolan and supported by all her...
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There has been a real buzz around the school this week for our first ever BMS Arts Week, coordinated by Dance Teacher and Head of Oak House Miss Dolan and supported by all her...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
It was a real privilege to welcome Sally Glossop – County lead for The Graduated Response at Hertfordshire County Council and Sharon Coubray – County Lead for Speech,...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
There was a very positive atmosphere in the Art Department at Bushey Meads School on Wednesday of this week and great to see so many students taking part in a special art project...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
Associate Leader and Head of IT and Computing Mr Abusef led the Main School Assemblies this week on the really important subject of staying safe online with a particular focus on...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
It has been a pleasure to be teaching history again this half term to year 7 and recently I set my class the task of creating their own Motte and Bailey castles, which were...
Posted by James Burley
On Wednesday 8th February, around 40 students from year 7 to 9 spent most of the day in the art department. As part of Performing Arts Week these students were selected to take...
Posted by Sam Cole
Short stories normally create mixed emotions. For example in form whenever we find out what book we would read. When we find out it’s a book compiled from short stories, you would...
Posted by Natasha Collins
FOOTBALL Year 9 Boys v Croxley Danes (District League) AWAY Mr Cartledge Date : Monday 6th February 2023 Result : Won 3-2 Scorers : M Wong, R Totesaut-Christou, G Guainiere (pen)...
Posted by Ashley Cartledge
The major building development of A Block is continuing and creating a lot of excitement amongst staff and students. Work has begun in earnest on the top floor of the building and...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
Owen 12O & Sam 12E Owen and Sam have been nominated jointly by Mr Sylvester. He says that they are incredibly helpful during their ‘Kindness Matters’ sessions, helping with...
Posted by Giles Monks
Short stories normally create mixed emotions. For example in form whenever we find out what book we would read. When we find out it’s a book compiled from short stories, you would be able to hear sighs or hoorays. But why is this, well some people might find they don’t go in-depth enough and only scratch the surface but, others may feel that since it is short stories that it would be fast-paced and get straight to the point.
Short stories can come in a mixture of ways: by itself, in a collection of other stories, or multiple short stories that are interlinked. An example of these are Look Both Ways , Being Various , Lamb to the Slaughter. For example, Look Both Ways is a collection of short stories that are interlinked. Whereas Lamb to the Slaughter is a short story that doesn’t need other stories to make sense. These both have their positives and negatives but they both set different moods and atmospheres. Whereas one is a more comedic piece the other is the polar opposite.
Short stories are able to create everlasting effect on people while only being able to use a limited amount of words making it incredibly hard to write. If you think you can create one the BBC have a Young Writers’ Award for short stories.
Written By
Luxman Aravindan
Evan 12B Evan has been nominated by Mrs Speker for his excellent attitude to learning and work ethic in his Art lessons. She also highlights Evan’s outstanding contribution...
Our hard working Year 11 students are completing their last few ‘rites of passage’ this week as they prepare to take their next exciting steps into post 16 education...