Engaging November Enrichment Day
On Friday 4th November, we enjoyed our second enrichment day of the year. Year 10 worked for the day with a company called ‘Enable’ focusing upon workplace skills. Students worked...
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On Friday 4th November, we enjoyed our second enrichment day of the year. Year 10 worked for the day with a company called ‘Enable’ focusing upon workplace skills. Students worked...
Posted by Stephanie Knowles
Posted by Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
It was a privilege to visit all the amazing Year 7 activities during last week’s enrichment day which took place on Friday. Entitled ‘A Taste of the Future’ our...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
Last Friday our Year 8 cohort had the chance to develop their life skills in a whole series of interactive sessions based around the important theme of friendships and...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
It was an absolute delight to attend the annual Year 7 celebration evening Thursday 20th October to recognise all of the fantastic work our new Year 7 cohort have been doing this...
Posted by Adam Lyley
https://busheymeads.org.uk/lead-practitioner-science-2/ https://busheymeads.org.uk/geography-teacher-5/ https://busheymeads.org.uk/science-teacher-19-2/...
Posted by HR
Reading through History Reading has long been seen as a source of ‘solace, consolation and healing throughout history.’ Helen Mary Gaskell set up a War Library in 1914 (after...
Posted by Lynn Court
I began organising this trip in May for students that were going to be taking GCSE or A Level dance this academic year. After the constant and helpful back and forths between...
Posted by Eliz Noyan
Tuesday this week saw Year 11 students form Bushey Meads School and the wider community gather for the annual ‘Into the Sixth Form’ event. Mr O’Kelly, Associate...
Posted by Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
It was a real privilege to be able to join parents and carers, students from all year groups in the school and a number of staff supporting student performers from their Character...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
It was Aristotle who stayed that “The whole is greater than the sum of the parts” and this week at Bushey Meads we have seen many examples of how this becomes a reality here at...
It has been great to see all of our students back in lessons and taking advantage of the outstanding extracurricular activities on offer. This has once again provided students...