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History Club

History Club
Posted by admin

This term in history club we are looking at big blunders in history. However, this week we
had a break from individual research projects and did a history quiz to celebrate one of our
pupils’ birthdays. We had two teams, one with four KS3 pupils and the second team had
one KS4 and one KS5 pupil.
The quiz covered many topics, ranging from the Romans to the fall of the Berlin Wall. Most
of the questions covered topics that are not learnt in school and so we are extremely proud
of our students as they displayed how well-read they are and how vast their historical
knowledge is.
Next week we will be continuing with the pupils researching their individual projects, which

include fascinating subjects such as Captain Scott’s failure in the Antarctic, how a wrong-
turning led to World War One and whether a missing key led to the sinking of the Titanic.

If anyone is interested in coming along to the history club, please feel free to join us. We
meet every Tuesday at lunchtime in H4, and it is a great opportunity for you to independently
research a topic that interests you or to look more in-depth at an area of history that you are
studying for exams.

Miss Foster and Ms Chander

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