On 16th November a selected group of students went to Hertsmere’s first Careers fair, the aim “To help every young person to find their next best step”
The students were able to meet with local colleges and universities as well as some major companies in and around Hertsmere – Sky, Hertfordshire Police, Align, BPL, Warner Bros and many many more.

Even some time to play lego
Comments from parents ….
“I just wanted to express my thanks for giving my daughter the opportunity to go to the career’s fair last week. She really enjoyed it and it was a great opportunity to meet employers and colleges/universities and she came back so excited with lots of information.”
And from our students….
“I really enjoyed the whole trip, it was really inspiring and I’ve got some good ideas of what I want to do when I leave school!” “It was fun!”
“I really enjoyed the careers fair, I learnt a lot about an incredibly wide variety of careers. It was very interesting to talk to the people working”
“The event was really fun and it was nice to be able to look at different jobs that are in Hertsmere.It was interesting to hear about so many career opportunities”
We also had great feedback from some of the companies on the day about our students, how engaged, mature and confident they were.