Fabulous Feedback!
I would like to thank all parents and carers who have taken the time to email the school and provide such positive feedback to the hard working staff at Bushey Meads who have...
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I would like to thank all parents and carers who have taken the time to email the school and provide such positive feedback to the hard working staff at Bushey Meads who have...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
Posted by Di Mcildowie
FREE webinar for parents and careers advisers on engineering roles in the Merchant Navy on board ships on #TidalTuesday 2 March 2021 15:30-16:30 #TidalTuesday 2 March 2021...
Posted by Di Mcildowie
With the latest news from the government regarding all students in all year groups returning back to school, we might be thinking this will be the end of the impactful live...
Posted by Suresh Varsani
This week we launched our new model of face to face and live lessons. The new timings of the school day were also implemented. The rationale behind the new model was in response...
Posted by Suresh Varsani
With all the action mainly focused on COVID and what is going to happen next, there was a massive event which took place in outer space. Last Thursday Nasa’s Perseverance...
Posted by Michael Besisira
For our latest project, in order to allow students at home, and in school, to be able to complete the same projects Year 8 have been designing and making marble runs over the past...
Posted by Rae-Anne Bowyer
Posted by Di Mcildowie
The UK celebrated LGBT History Month in February. Schools have a crucial role in educating for equality and a key part of this is ensuring that the culture at Bushey Meads School...
Posted by admin
Posted by James Felix
I would like to thank all parents and carers who have taken the time to email the school and provide such positive feedback to the hard working staff at Bushey Meads who have really gone the extra mile this term to support our students as much as is possible during this lockdown period.
Besides being available in school for that ‘face to face learning experience’ which so many students have appreciated, they have embraced the new challenges of delivering Live Lessons, which has clearly impacted so positively for those students studying from home.
Here are just a few of the many messages the school received…….
Good evening,
Thank you for the email and thank you for keeping us updated with the new changes. I just wanted to thank all the staff at Bushey meads school for the online learning and all their hard work. It has really made a big difference to my son in these difficult times. We hope you have a lovely half term and take care and stay safe,
Many thanks
Year 9 Parent
I just wanted to express my thanks to all the teachers who have supported the children throughout their virtual learning. I can hear the fun they are having learning from the room next door. I hope they all get a well-deserved rest during the half term week. Regards,
Year 7 Parent
Dear All at Bushey Meads,
I just wanted to take the time to thank all of you who have supported not only my son, but us as a family through lockdown. The online classes provided by teachers have been incredible, and considering the immense amount of stress school staff are under in the current circumstances, the dedication and effort teachers have put into teaching our children really shines through. I would particularly like to thank the SEN and pastoral team, who have kept in touch with emails offering further support. Thankfully, so far, we have not needed it, but just knowing someone is there and that people care is a lifeline to families who may be finding things difficult, and it was nice to receive communication nonetheless. Wishing you all a very well deserved half term break. Best wishes
Year 8 Parent
Have a lovely half term Mr Turner,
Thank you for all the communications sent out, I’m impressed with the clear concise messages that come over from the school. My daughter’s lessons are back to normal and my son’s seem to be flowing really well. Both are ‘calmer’ since settling into the routine and any worries about Covid are falling away now that things seem to be improving.
Year 7 and 8 Parent
Dear Mr Turner
We would like to thank you and all of your staff for all of the efforts and time you have put in to provide online lessons for all of the pupils. These lessons have been so helpful and more engaging for the children rather than just setting online work. Once again thank you for all of your hard work and help during these very trying times. Best wishes
Year 9 and 12 Parents
Good Morning Mrs Dillion and Mrs Smith,
I hope you’re happy and well. I would like to say during this lockdown the school has been awesome! All the teachers have worked really hard to support the students. My son’s interaction with the teachers has increased and he is more confident in his abilities. I look forward to seeing him build on these new skills. Kind regards,
Year 9 Parent
With the emphasis on live lessons being streamed to the 90% of our school population working from home, additional challenges are being embraced by the hardworking teachers at...
After listening to Head of House Miss Pattni it was great to hear some first hand feedback from Kyle who had clearly listened carefully to the inspiring assembly on Monday morning...