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Exciting STEM opportunities for KS4 and KS5 students

Exciting STEM opportunities for KS4 and KS5 students

Mo Abusef
Mo Abusef
Exciting STEM opportunities for KS4 and KS5...

The Imperial College London is currently offering some great, engaging secondary school programmes that could help you test your knowledge, try out professional equipment and spark your passion for STEM.

To see what’s in there for you, please click on the following links:

Pathway to Medicine

A two-year widening participation programme for young people aged 16-18 interested in studying medicine.

STEM Potential

STEM Potential supports you through years 10 and 12 with insightful lectures, subject-specific workshops and a non-residential summer school.

mA*ths Online Programme

This programme supports A-levels Mathematics students who are considering studying a maths-related degree at university.

Further mA*ths Online Programme

This programme, supported by the Hg Foundation, aims to assist A-Level Further Mathematics students who are considering studying a maths-related degree at university.

Levelling Up

Levelling Up is a year-long programme designed to support you with your Chemistry or Physics A-levels and prepare you for the transition to university.

STEM Futures

Supporting students from Black backgrounds in years 10 and 12 to explore STEM degrees & careers through lectures, subject-specific workshops and sessions around careers, personal development, and study skills.

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