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Exciting Science Practical

Exciting Science Practical

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Exciting Science Practical

Visiting Mrs Ram’s Year 10 science class was a very positive experience last Tuesday morning; all students were taking part in a practical activity measuring how much acid was needed to neutralise an acid, working well in groups and following the teacher’s expectations with regard to health and safety and how to conduct a proper experiment. Engagement was high and all students wanted to do well. Written work in books was also well presented and had been marked by the students and the teacher in a variety of ways. There was evidence of purple pen responses to improve the work and aim for even higher grades at this important level of the curriculum.

All in all, it was a very positive walk through all the science labs and a real variety of activities were taking place. All students were engaged and working well in each science lab – demonstrating that they were making good progress. Teacher questioning was teasing out students’ understanding, books and folders were full of well presented work and there was evidence of teacher marking, use of peer and self assessment stickers and purple pen by students to take their work to the next level.

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