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Exceptional Elm House

Exceptional Elm House

Lee Cox
Lee Cox
Exceptional Elm House
Well, here we are, another academic year at Bushey Meads School. A fresh start for all, a clean slate, a level playing field. It’s all for the taking and I, for one, am eager to take it.
To say that I have been spoiled since taking over as the head of Elm House is an understatement. There is an abundance of wonderful, kind, polite, and dedicated students wearing the navy blue stripes in their ties. A quick look at the rewards report tells me that every single student in Elm House has contributed in terms of reward points which is absolutely exceptional.
Eleven of those students have already accumulated 60 or more reward points and we haven’t even made it to half term! That’s more than 10 a week! A special thank you goes out to:
Chaudhry Shamas, Aahil
Dempster, Lucy
Herman, Hollie
Reynolds, Walter
Gillett, Ellie
Lesworth, Beatrice
Kerai, Maya
Millar, Adam
Dempster, Jack
Griffin, Emily
Sanga, Anish
You are leading by example and your contribution to Elm House is greatly appreciated and is rightly recognised.
We narrowly missed out on retaining the house cup last year and it would be amazing to see it returned to us in the summer. You can help by continuing to follow the ‘3 Rs’ and having a positive attitude to learning but if you really wish to go above and beyond then you should consider participating in extracurricular activities and events.
One such event is the upcoming House Arts Event which takes place on

30th November 2:05pm – 5:00pm
The theme this year is ‘teamwork’ and there are 7 categories for entries. These are:
  • Art
  • Drama
  • Dance
  • Music
  • Photography
  • Poetry
  • Videography
Submitting an entry/taking part will automatically earn you an R2 and the winning entries will be awarded even more points and an Amazon voucher to spend. So why not write a poem, draw a picture, or simply take a photograph with the theme in mind and bag yourself and your house some serious points?
If you require more information then you can speak to me, your CDC, or your CD representative.
The appointed CD representatives for 2023/24 are as follows:

7 Elm

Oliver Marini

8 Elm

Sofia Donald

9 Elm

Nathan Konopka

10 Elm

Lucy Dempster

11 Elm

Imogen Payne

12 Elm

Rohit Jeyanthan

13 Elm

Manuka Girihagama

Congratulations to each of you on your appointment, I have every faith that you will help move Elm House forward this academic year.
I would also like to extend congratulations to Charlie Bignell in 11 Elm who is now not only eligible to play but has also been selected to play for Harrow RFC under 18s. Perhaps we will see Charlie in a future rugby World Cup? He is certainly taking the relevant steps to make that a reality. Well done from all of us.

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