Ever Improving Environment for Learning
As more and more classrooms are being refurbished and modernised across our school site (thanks to the ongoing programme of re-decoration implemented by our hard working site...
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As more and more classrooms are being refurbished and modernised across our school site (thanks to the ongoing programme of re-decoration implemented by our hard working site...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
Some of our Maths leaders were inspired by the weekly STEM project to explore different types of bridges. Mr Donovan will offer support to them in looking at the Mathematics...
Posted by James Donovan
It is amazing the difference carpet makes in a school. As we continue to roll out our ongoing refurbishment programme for our main corridors and indoor spaces across the school...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
Despite the clear restrictions we are all adhering to in our very modified learning environment, it has been so good to welcome back students to each year group in our school for...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
A number of students have found this whole period of lockdown stressful and despite everyone’s best efforts to keep on top of the work set on google classrooms and sent out via...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
Posted by Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
This week has been an exciting time with BMS welcoming back Year 11 and Year 12 students. A number of our Year 11 students engaged with the opportunity to experience socially...
Posted by Claire Till
An impressive 1,841 reward points were issued to students for their hard work this week. R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 Total Year 07 255 130 37 0 4 1 427 Year 08 462 127 31 4 1 0 625 Year 09...
Posted by Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
From Friday 12th June small groups of students from Years 7, 8 and 9 have been attending school between 9am – 3pm to catch up with their school work. Numbers were small on...
Posted by Graeme Searle
The Acts of Kindness that have featured in the newsletter each week are truly inspirational with those taking part in the Acts of Kindness really fulfilling our mantra ‘Our...
Posted by Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
As more and more classrooms are being refurbished and modernised across our school site (thanks to the ongoing programme of re-decoration implemented by our hard working site team) it has been an opportunity to continue to support the provision of smart storage in an increasing number of classrooms. Room F6 is one example of where extremely smart well-designed floor to ceiling cupboards have been installed to provide excellent storage for resources in this key teaching area of our school. The MFL Faculty who use this particular room are encouraging more and more students to study languages at all levels of the school and the facilities provided certainly match their ambition and drive for excellence.
Hola, This and previous week students have been learning about how to introduce themselves and about the Spanish surnames’ system. One activity has been to get their first...
Last Monday, 35 year 8s spent an action-packed week in Normandy, France. Our accommodation was surrounded by grass and countryside so we had space to go outside in our free time....