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Enrichment in Maths

Enrichment in Maths

James Donovan
James Donovan
Enrichment in Maths

As part of our Gusto- More Able project in Maths, we are linking the world of Maths with Art, Design and Architecture.

Students in a Year 10 class recently explored the world of hyperbolic curves and their applications in Architecture.

Students explored the number e, an important number in Mathematics, approximately equal to 2.71828. They then plotted the curves of y=e^x , then y=e^-x and finally y= (e^x +e^-x)/2, the equation for the curve of a hanging chain, or the cosh curve.

We looked at the buildings of the Spanish Architect Antonio Gaudi and how he photographed collections of hanging chains, inverted them and used them to help the design of his buildings. We also looked at the St. Louis Arch in Missouri, which is in the shape of the cosh curve.

By continuing with projects like this, students get a flavour of the applications of Mathematics in the real world, and gain insight into future career opportunities.

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